Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This House Believes That Human Rights are Western Imposition

European Union Intervarsity Debate Championship benar benar mendebarkan *hallah..

the division of motion is based on taking a ballot. and let's see.. we got number 12, it means we got the most avoided motion. I swear! it was reallt difficult, chick! *middlefinger
Well, ya.. ya we have discussed it before about this motion with Kevin - the expat from US to teach our lecturer to be able speaking in english. and, This expat also trying so hard to explain what the meaning of this motion for us.. (bahasa pinternya: kita nya yang susah ngertii..)

But the show must go on, ladies and gentlemen...

Here we go, our competitor is Parahyangan University - is unfamiliar university for me obviously, since the most familiar team in debating university world in University of Indonesia - Dyota - Jonathan - and other EDS UI Community, but at the end that team really kick us of! *applause. Guys,. they are really sooo damn fucking fluently in english, debating is not explaining our arguement, but also iterpretating their idea to be catched by the judges..

Fyi, our competitor, is International Relation student year 2008, thus it must be they really so damn fluently talking abouut Human Right! It just the beggining subject for them, maybe!! Arrgghh... *Less Confidence

So, back to the motion - about THBT Human Rights are Western Imposition.
Me, my self as the first speaker frankly speaking about what the human right and imposiution means.. and relate it each other, yaa.. as well as the first speaker done for newbie debater.

Firstly, I am trying to give definion what Human Rights it is..
Human Rights are basic Right and freedoms to which all humas are entitled. Proponents of the concept usually asser that all humans are endowered with certain entitlements merely by reason of being human. Human Rights are thus received in a universalist and egalitarian style.

All Human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with Reason and conscience should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Western Imposition in Human Rights means.. it used Human Rights label to take the action over the another country, even it is wrong!. Some of the actions that taking human rights as a label to authorize or invade another country.

Thus, Human Rights discourse is a powerful and valuable tool or just another form of western imposition.
If it is Human Rights, Western do not have to put military basis in the country they help. The use of weapon also earns a question. How can we protect the Human Rights by Violating The Human Riughts itself..?? *question mark in my mind (gw sendiri juga ga ngerti) :D

That it was, the generally explanation from the first spear, me my self.., and you know ladies and gentlemen, the debater to rebut my argument is totally have power to kick us (tendang, mati de  tu gw ke jurang, sumpah benar2 mengecil di podium) *krikkrik .. then, they got big applause from almost all the audience *more less confidence - bisa ngebayangin gak tuh: (newbie debater:gw)

  • newbie debater:  berargumen bla... bla... bla..., dgn pedenya berasa sangat jeniusnya.. ?^&%*$@$#
  • proffesional debater:  ladies and gentlemen, It is National Debate Championship, what we hearing  before is just  Human Rights subject in my college.. It s just simple case that can't be related each other.. Well.. Honorable judges, what Human Rights totally definition is.... bla.. bla.. bla...  
  • newbie debater:  *mengecil *lompat aja lo ke jurang sana!! :((

So, Reader, do you catch the point of Human right and Western Imposition is??? For indeed, we have have opposing opinions. or at the other side just me who really do not understand... Phew


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