Monday, February 14, 2011

si Bule China itu kemana?

ini tanggal 14.. tepatnya 10 hari yang lalu, di tahun sebelumnya...
gw jadi host family untuk exchange participant atau trainee untuk project AIESEC dr China, Beijing tepatnya...
setelah  satu tahun lamanya, gw kehilangan kontak, teringat waktu 1 tahun yg lalu, passport nya yang hilang, dan kita sama sama ngurus passport nya ke jakarta...
tiba tiba papa nyeletuk nanya:

  • papa : temen allev dulu, si sophia mana nak? masi ada kabar-kabaran?
  • gw    : masih setaon yg lalu, sbulan stelah dy take off ke beijing, abis itu ga ada lagi pa..
  • papa : ga liat fesbuk nya lev?
  • gw    :  laa, China mana punya fesbuk pa...
  • papa : oo.. *manggut manggut
Akhirnya setelah perbincangan yg singkat itu, gw mutusin untuk nyari contact nya dy... gw inget, kalo setau gw China punya akun fesbuk tersendiri, yg dinamai ren ren (orang orang) , dengan bekal pengalaman les mandarin seadanya, gw bukalah itu fesbuk tiruan, beneerr.. gw ga dapat hasilnya...
ntah kesambet setan apa, sampe gw bener bener kangen ma ni bule, karena email gw pun ga pernah dibales, dan social network pun mereka ga punya, gw give up!
nah, gww inget dy sempet ngasi kartu nama ke gw, bener2 saking kangennya, gw telpon dah tu, itu nomor China....dan... Yeahhh.. itu telpon nyambuung saudara-saudara...!!!!! *lompatsenangsenang
eitz, gw masi punya pikiran sehat.., gw ga bakalan mungkin nelpon itu orang, yg jauhnya minta ampuun... Hemaaatt Bebeeb.. Hemaatt...

gw sms lah itu nomornya:...

She went to fortune telling, and me as translator
  • gw : Hi Sophia.. How's your life in spring festival? Long time no chat... Miss you so much... (Allevia-Padang) *mengunggu jawaban... berharap itu sms nyampe... dan beberapa menit kemudian, itu henpon bunyi...
  • Sophia: Hey!!! allev! how are u? im fine :D. send my greetings for ur family!! I miss you too!
  • gw: sounds great!!! I'm very glad that you still remember me.. I just remembered that one year ago you were here in xin nian :D It's difficult for me to find your contact... Big hugs and Kisses from Padang. 
  •  Sophia: I remember u for sure! yeah, I should contact you more often, thats absolutely my fault, Im so sorry. Do you still remember my bf? actually we had a tough year to find a nice job for him, and finally he got to Delloit, for accounting major, im sure u know it. So, we always use his email to check whether there is anoffer, and also my email gradually been forgot. hows ur day? why not come to beijing for a travel?              
dan seketika feeling gw ga enak..., well.. ternyata benar, itu pulsa gw abis. tamat.

Le bridge, Ancol Beach with my cousind and Sophie

Nikka Costa - First Love

Friday, January 28, 2011

interview oh interview

honestly, it was the first time for me being interviewed by professional interview - being nervous is kinda usual thing for most of people. exactly, It was a week ago I was being interviewed, but the euphoria of those feelings still resound in my mind. Since it related to my future to work in International Public Accountant firms - the big four - pwc. obviously, it also relates to my future. I can't stand to think and rewind those conversations with the interviewer - asking my personality, my experience, organizations, my bad feelings, and achievements. so, the things still resound in my head now is - I don't know if I have answered in appropriate place or not - I don't know their first perspective for me is good or not - but one thing for sure, whatever the result it is, it will be the the best decision of Him for me - destiny makes plan! :)

California Girls

Greetings loved ones
Lets take a journey

[Katy Perry]
I know a place
Where the grass is really greener
Warm, wet and wild
There must be something in the water
Sippin' gin and juice
Laying underneath the palm trees
The boys
Break their necks
Try'na to creep a little sneak peek
(at us)

You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
to the golden coast
Once you party with us
You'll be falling in love
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

Sex on a beach
We get sand in our stilletos
We freak
In my jeep
Snoop Doggy-Dog on the stereo

You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
to the golden coast
Once you party with us
You'll be falling in love
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
will melt your popsicle

nb: I don't know why I accidentally crush on this song when I have to find the incredibly appropriate songs to my exchange movie maker, seems describe explicitly me in case of traveler :D